
Conducted by a former Journalist, this course is designed to prepare students and future journalists with a practical, hands on experience of what it takes to be a journalist. Students will learn industry techniques, basic journalism workflow and practice.

Students will develop awareness on current affairs, improve their language ability, gain confidence and presentation skills. Experts will teach students how to do research, how to conduct an interview, write and edit like a journalist. Students will learn operate a camera, photography skills and post production skills.

At the end of the course, students will be able to produce a one-minute video production on school event or an issue of interest to them.

Available as a Learning Journey , a Time Workshop or a short course. Contact us for a detailed proposal.

Course Outline

To provide students with a practical hands on experience of journalism. By the end of the course, students will have understanding on journalism/e-journalism and be equipped with technical skills in video production. Students will gain a basic foundation on journalistic acumen, understand what is ‘news-worthy’. Students will have a basic understanding of the correct workflow process in the production of news from pre-production to post-production.


In the era of New Media, learn what it takes to be a Journalist in today’s Web 2.0 World. From production to presentation, students will understand how technology and social media is changing the facade of Journalism. Journalists need to have a strong foundation in traditional skills like writing, reporting and interviewing and understand how to use tools like Twitter, Facebook to develop sources and gain more readership. This course will create awareness among students on topics like the environment and other current affairs.

What will students learn?

  • Students will learn about reporting, researching, interviewing and writing skills.
  • Students will get a fully hands on experience on what it is like to be a journalist and the basic technical skills needed to create a digital video production.
  • Students will learn how to write scripts, create a storyboard, post production editing and presentation skill